.. _how-to-stop-chargelog: How to Stop Charging -------------------- To stop charging, you need the unique identifier for the charging session. You can get this unique identifier using different API calls like from the response of a `remoteStart`_. Another way would be to retrieve all of a user's charging sessions using the `chargelogsPaged`_ API call. Regardless of how you find a charging session, you need the unique identifier to stop a charging session. Use this as the argument for the API call `remoteStop`_. .. code-block:: javascript mutation remoteStop { remoteStop(transaction: "012b05111-d0a8-1234-12p3-9ec33d133691") { status code message } } .. _remoteStart: https://graphql.docs.htb.services/api-reference/#mutation-remoteStart .. _chargelogsPaged: https://graphql.docs.htb.services/api-reference/#query-chargelogsPaged .. _remoteStop: https://graphql.docs.htb.services/api-reference/#mutation-remoteStop