.. _how-to-fetch-charglog-details: How to Retrieve a Charging Session ----------------------------------- There may be different scenarios where you need the charging session details. * Displaying user information during a charging session * Establishing the total cost for a charging session * Charging the user charging costs To access charging session details, you will have to use the `chargelog`_ API call along with the charging process uuid as an argument. Example request: .. code-block:: javascript query chargelog { chargelog(id: "ad7adac5-1234-4ca2-abcs-cc1c3115bd12") { id status connector { id label } authId authType dateStart dateEnd meterStart meterEnd energyConsumption cost { costItems { netAmount netAmountLocalCurrency grossAmount grossAmountLocalCurrency taxAmount taxAmountLocalCurrency taxRate description } total currency tax taxAmount grossAmount grossAmountLocalCurrency } sessionId rateName } } .. _chargelog: https://graphql.docs.htb.services/api-reference/#query-chargelog